Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TWD/BWD: Berry Squares


For the second June recipe from Baking with Dorie by Dorie Greenspan, I made the Berry Squares, also know as Strawberry-Rhubarb Squares. 

I've never cared for rhubarb, and our local strawberry season ends during the first week of June, so I decided to make the cake topped with blueberries and blackberries.  It's a nice and simple cake.

I decided to freeze individual squares, taking one out and reheating it when I felt like having dessert.  I noticed that the cake's flavor improved quite a bit after being frozen and then reheated in my toaster oven.  I thoroughly enjoyed the remaining pieces, and made a note that, for future bakes, that would be the way to go.

Stop by the Tuesdays with Dorie website to see what kind of jelly roll cakes most of the bakers made this time around.


Kayte said...

Oh your berry bake is so pretty...and I have been thinking of playing around with this recipe again this month while all the berries are in season. Thank you for the tips...I noted them in my book...freezing such a great idea as there are only two of us here and that would be such a good idea to pull a couple out and put them in the toaster oven, you are so clever! Now...about that NOT LIKING RHUBARB thing....hmmmm...maybe I have the rhubarb gene instead of the chocolate gene...that would explain a lot! Fun post...beautiful photo. Always a pleasure to come and visit and see what you are baking.

Anonymous said...

So fun to see you tried it with other berries..I was thinking the base would be good with quite a few varieties! I was afraid how it would be the second day so great news it froze and toasted up so well!