Saturday, August 28, 2010

NFR: Fitness Friday on Saturday night

I'm getting closer to posting on Fridays. Baby steps.

This week has been the best mileage week so far. I'm still in Virginia, and I still have a long way to go, but it's motivating to see the distance increase each week.

It also helps that I finally figured out how to piece the rectangles for my quilt. Section 1 was completed yesterday, photographed this morning. I'm having great fun going through my stash and pulling colors.

Section 2 was begun this morning. We'll see how many more sections I can complete by next Friday, assuming I earn enough pieces of fabric. That's truly motivating, since I can envision the end-result and don't want to come up short fabric-wise by having low mileage.

And, clearly, with all the breads, tarts, baked alaskas, and grilled sandwiches, I need to keep moving.

Stop by Tallgrass Prairie Studio and the LBL exercise site to learn more about the walking project

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