That said, I decided to make these muffins anyway, and I'm glad I did. They are moist and delicious, perfect for a late morning snack.

I made sure to finely grate the carrots, and I substituted dried cranberries for the raisins. I used toasted pecans, unsweetened dried coconut, and overflowing measures of cinnamon and ginger. Also, I ended up with 14 muffins rather than 12. My muffin tin must have smaller openings, perhaps.

These are tasty enough to bake again.
Thanks to our hostess this week, Nancy of The Dogs Eat The Crumbs. Check in with the other TWD bakers to see what they did.
(Just writing about these makes me want one.)
These were a pleasant surprise, weren't they? I should have had more than 12 muffins, but I crammed in the batter - which is why mine had flat tops instead of lovely domes like yours.
beautiful muffins sitting in the sunlight. lovely!
So glad you enjoyed them! I wasn't a huge fan of carrot cake until I joined TWD - Bill's Big Carrot Cake was my first recipe! :)
These were good, weren't they. Definitely ones to be made again and again adn.....
Brain freeze. Your muffins look perfect!!
I really liked these, especially with all of the spices. I like carrot cake and wasn't surprised that these were good.
How cool that these muffins are a bake again recipe for a carrot cake non-liker! You were smart to increase the spices; I'll definitely do that the next time I bake these. Unsweetened coconut is the way to go, isn't it? Thanks for baking along with me this week.
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