Tuesday, July 30, 2024

TWD/BWD: Crumb-Topped Ricotta Coffee Cake



Today is Rewind Day, where we bake a recipe that we missed along the way.  For me, it was the Crumb-Topped Ricotta Coffee Cake.


This is a tasty cake with blueberries, but the crumb topping as an absolute bomb!  I could just eat a bowl of the topping and be wonderfully happy.  I will definitely be making and sharing this recipe again.


Kayte said...

Well, you got this one absolutely perfectly right...looks beautiful and delicious.

Diane Zwang said...

You are right the crumb topping was the best. I have made this cake more than once for my family.

steph- whisk/spoon said...

I would definitely be picking at that crumb topping-- yum!

Anonymous said...

Crumb topping is always the best! Looks delicious…I remember we loved this one! (Kim)