Tuesday, July 9, 2024

TWD/BWD: Lemony Yogurt Muffins


Blueberry muffins are my favorite, so I'm always on the lookout for a good one.  These muffins more than fit the bill, and they are especially tasty because they contain lemon!  The addition of yogurt makes the muffin moist and tender as well. I chose to sprinkle the top with some coarse sanding sugar, and they ended up being the perfect bite.


It's a great way to celebrate National Blueberry Month, and it's just days away from National Blueberry Muffin Day on July 11!


Stop by the Tuesdays with Dorie website to see which recipe the other bakers made.


Cakelaw said...

Those juicy blueberries look so good in these muffins - perfect way to celebrate blueberry day too.

Kayte said...

Favorites here as well...and yours are so very yummy looking.

Mardi Michels said...

These look so good! Lovely juicy blueberries!

Shirley @ Everopensauce said...

Blueberry anything is my favorite too. Never stop looking for good recipes to put blueberries in. Yours look delish!

Anonymous said...

They look perfect! (Kim)

steph- whisk/spoon said...

loved the load of blueberries in these...dorie says they are optional, but who wouldn't add them?