Tuesday, June 13, 2023

TWD/BWD: Rhubarb-Bottom Strawberry-Top Tart aka Berry Pudding


Today's post for Tuesdays with Dorie should have featured the Rhubarb-Bottom Strawberry-Top Tart.  However, I chose to play around and make the Berry Pudding, using local fresh strawberries.  I suspect I'm the only person in the universe who doesn't like rhubarb.

Our local strawberry season is coming to an end, sadly.  It runs from February to early June, and the berries are huge and delicious.  This pudding made a light and delicious dessert.  I used fresh lime zest as a garnish, and look forward to next season when I will make it again.

Check out Tuesdays with Dorie for more delights.


steph- whisk/spoon said...

so elegant!! you are lucky to have such a long strawberry season. ours is pretty much 3 weeks long, and I stuff my face with them while I can...hahaha.

Cakelaw said...

The pudding version looks like a beautiful light summer dessert.

Diane Zwang said...

Making pudding sounds like a great idea. We enjoyed this pudding too.

Madeline said...

What a great way to enjoy the best part of this dessert! The pastry cream was my favorite.