Wednesday, June 28, 2023

TWD/BWD: Cheddar-Scallion Scones



For the second June recipe, I chose to bake the Cheddar-Scallion Scones.  I have made these before, and they are always a welcome treat.  I keep the unbaked scones in the freezer, so I can have one or two freshly baked scones whenever I choose.

I rarely make sweet scones any more.  My go-to recipe is usually Dorie's Buttermilk Scones, since I always have buttermilk on hand.  Either scone is delicious, however!

Check out the other bakers at Tuesdays with Dorie to see which June recipe they made.


Diane Zwang said...

Scones on demand sounds like a great idea.

Cakelaw said...

I liked these so much that I wish I’d done as you did and frozen some dough for later. Instead I shared them with my neighbours.

steph- whisk/spoon said...

I have a couple of these squirreled away in the freezer myself. these are just as good with dinner as they are with breakfast!