Friday, July 16, 2010

BB: Awesome Scalloped Tomatoes

Since returning from my excellent two-week road trip, I've been doing double-duty on the baking/cooking front, catching up and getting ahead. I also had three work-related projects due this week, Monday, Wednesday, and today, so the culinary part of my life had to adapt.

Last weekend I made the Scalloped Tomatoes, one of the June recipes for the Barefoot Bloggers.

First of all, I halved the recipe. I should never doubt Ina's recipes, because they are always delicious and always successful. These tomatoes were no exception.

I could have eaten them all at once, but I wanted to give my daughter a chance at a taste. I wasn't really sure what she would think. At first, she thought I made scalloped potatoes, which meant she was looking forward to cheese. I think she was mildly put-out that it was actually a tomato dish, but being the trouper she is, she tried them.

Well, my goodness. You would have thought this was the best dish ever created on the planet. The leftovers quickly disappeared, and there have been numerous requests to prepare it again.

So, everyone, plant those Roma tomatoes with abandon, for a full recipe will consume 16 ripe fruits. Your diners will be constantly requesting this recipe, so you probably won't have any extra tomatoes to use for sauce or dried tomatoes or any other recipe.

It is that good.

Thanks to Josie of
Pink Parsley Catering for an awesome choice. Follow the link to get Ina's recipe for Awesome Scalloped Tomatoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like a winner part of dinner alright!