Friday, December 18, 2015

Seedy Anadama Bread

At the moment, I'm in a rented house.  While I'm grateful to have a place that welcomes my dog, it's not my house.   More specifically, it's not my kitchen.  The house is over 50 years old, and it still has the original electric wall oven from the '60s.  The oven works, but it's always a challenge to figure out the temperature.  After nearly ruining a number of baked goods, I purchased an oven thermometer, and found the temperature could be as much as 50 degrees off.  I still have to figure out how long to preheat it so the temp can be stabilized.  

So, the Anadama bread is supposed to bake at 375°, but I believe it spent most of the time at 425°, with a finish at 325°.  I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did!   But, one of things I learned in culinary school was that times and temperatures are mere guidelines, and that you, the baker, are the master, and that means paying attention to what's in the oven and adjusting the parameters as necessary.  

That said, this is one delicious bread, especially with the variety of seeds.  Years ago I had made an Anadama bread from my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook.  It was good, too, but this bread has Character.   

During the kneading process, I did have to add some additional flour since the dough was very un-doughy, but that didn't seem to matter.  I also mixed all the non-wet ingredients together first, then added the warm water while the mixer was working.  It's my go-to method, irregardless of the actual instructions.  

Thanks to Elle of Feeding My Enthusiasms for giving the Babes an opportunity to make an updated classic.  To be a Buddy, copy the recipe from her website and send your results to her by the 29th.  The roundup will follow soon thereafter.



Karen said...

It does have character, doesn't it? Your bread looks great, funky oven and all!

Elizabeth said...

Your oven sounds like our oven! I sometimes have to remind myself that "times and temperatures are mere guidelines". Our ancient oven tends to run hot. I also think that the door not being all that well sealed when closed, causes the element to heat up more often and probably doesn't allow the temperature to ever stabilize. So anything that has sugar in it is always baked on the top shelf to prevent burning on the bottom.

I must say that your bread looks fabulous. Well done, you! Clearly, it only took you a few days to adjust to the ancient oven. (It took me years to pander completely to ours so that it doesn't ruin things....)

Lien said...

It's always so much harder in a different oven, especially such an oldie. Your loaf seemed to like it anyway, cause it turned out beautiful.

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

A challenge of an oven for sure but your loaf has a shape that says you are the master! Great wisdom and a wonderful loaf.